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Portland to Hamilton via Heywood

1. Hamilton Station/Station St  [街景]
地址:Brown St / Station St, Hamilton 3300
2. 7347 Henty Hwy  [街景]
地址:Henty Hwy, Branxholme 3302
3. Hotel and Post Office/Brown St  [街景]
地址:McNicol St / Brown St, Branxholme 3302
4. Corner Store/Lynch St  [街景]
地址:Henty Hwy / Lynch St, Branxholme 3302
5. Condah - Coleraine Rd/Henty Hwy  [街景]
地址:Condah - Coleraine Rd / Henty Hwy, Condah 3303
6. Triggers Rd/Henty Hwy  [街景]
地址:Triggers Rd / Henty Hwy, Myamyn 3304
7. Milltown CFA/Henty Hwy  [街景]
地址:Annya Rd / Henty Hwy, Milltown 3304
8. Lindsay St/Princes Hwy  [街景]
地址:Lindsay St / Princes Hwy, Heywood 3304
9. Coffeys Lane/Princes Hwy  [街景]
地址:Coffeys Lane / Princes Hwy, Heywood 3304
10. Fincks Rd/Princes Hwy  [街景]
地址:Fincks Rd / Princes Hwy, Heathmere 3305
11. Segtnan Ct/Princes Hwy  [街景]
地址:Segtnan Ct / Princes Hwy, Bolwarra 3305
12. Rivetts Rd/Princes Hwy  [街景]
地址:Rivetts Rd / Princes Hwy, Bolwarra 3305
13. Whalers Rest Motel/Henty Hwy  [街景]
地址:Daniel St / Henty Hwy, Portland North 3305
14. Henty Street Bus Interchange/Henty St  [街景]
地址:Percy St / Henty St, Portland 3305
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